New Drual Releases

New Drupal releases from

By webmaster, 13 February, 2008
Drupal 6 (D6) is HERE!. After on year with development and thousands of developers and testers working really hard to squish over 1600 issues! There is so many new and improved features in D6 that it is almost impossible to list them all here, you will find some of the highlights in the official press release.
By webmaster, 30 January, 2008

Drupal 5.7 is released and it fixes following bugs discovered since Drupal 5.6. There are none security fixes in this update, something that always is good news, and none new features. We are not adding any new features into Drupal 5 only bug fixes. All new features goes into Drupal 7. Many of the updates the last two months comes from work done on D6 and then backported into D5, so all the work on D6 is even making D5 even more solid and secure!

By webmaster, 28 January, 2008

Drupal 6 RC 2 was released on the 10 of january. This is all good news, we are getting closer to a gold release. RC2 fixes several bugs introduced in RC1. I have tested and debugged Druapl 6 (D6) since july 2007 and the RC2 is just GREAT! Have you yet not tested D6 is it about time to join the D6 train.

When is it released? Druplal is released when it is done. That means it doesn't have a release date, this prevent that we are rushing D6 to the marked before it is rock solid. As writing this the number of critical bugs has been between 0 and 6 for about two weeks. It is ready for release when at least one RC is rolled without any new critical bugs is discovered.